Our Governing Body
The role of the Governing Body is critical to the effectiveness of the school. We focus on core strategic functions, as set out by the Department for Education (DfE):
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
• Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
• Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Our Governing Body relies on a team approach with each individual contributing a range of skills and experience in analysing performance data, in budgeting and driving financial efficiency, and in performance management and employment issues. The Governing Body meets once each half term. At these meetings, attended by all governors, we discuss any areas of concern, take any required actions, and monitor the outcomes of any previous or ongoing activities. We set aims and objectives, and agree, monitor and review policies, targets, priorities and the ongoing progress of the school as a whole.
These formal meetings are supplemented by a programme of monitoring and review. Governors take responsibility for issues such as finance or health & safety, safeguarding and special educational needs & disabilities. Governors work more closely with the school in these areas to ensure we, and the school, are meeting our statutory obligations and doing the best for the children’s education and welfare.
Copies of the meetings' minutes are posted on the website once they have been agreed and are available from the school office.
If you are interested in becoming a School Governor for our school or would like to email me with any questions you may have, please use the contact form below.
Mrs Jackie Holmes, Chair of Governors
Governor responsibilities
Governor Posts 12: 1 Headteacher (Ex-officio), 1 Staff, 2 Parents, 1 LA, 7 Foundation (4 PCC, 3 Diocese)
Terms of office for governors are 4 years with the exception of the ex-officio roles; terms of office for Associate Members are as agreed by the Governing Body.
Name and role |
Appointing body |
Start/end date |
Responsibility |
FGB committee |
Attendance 2023-24 |
Relevant interests |
Relationship with staff or FGB member |
Governor at another school |
Ms Hannah Cole |
Head Teacher Ex officio |
01.09.21/ NA |
7/7 |
Employee |
No |
No |
Mrs Jane White |
Staff |
21.02.24/ 20.02.28 |
3/3 |
Employee |
No |
No |
Mr Lindsay Jack |
Local Authority |
16.01.23/ 15.01.27 |
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities |
5/7 |
None |
None |
No |
Mrs Fiona Bradley |
Parent |
01.07.23/ 30.06.27 |
Behaviour & Attendance |
7/7 |
None |
None |
No |
Mrs Rosemary Jenkins |
Parent |
06.12.23/ 05.12.27 |
Marketing & Communication |
3/4 |
None |
None |
No |
Rev Fiona Gwynn |
Foundation Ex officio |
16.05.16/ NA |
Christian Distinctiveness |
Pay |
7/7 |
None |
None |
No |
Mrs Anna Rolfe |
Foundation Diocese |
10.06.24/ 09.06.28 |
Performance Management |
PMR Pay |
7/7 |
None |
None |
No |
Vacancy |
Foundation Diocese |
Mr Simeon Berends |
Foundation Diocese |
01.07.23/ 30.06.27 |
Premises incl Health & Safety |
4/7 |
None |
None |
No |
Mrs Fiona Tough |
Foundation PCC |
01.06.23/ 31.05.27 |
Safeguarding |
7/7 |
None |
None |
No |
Mrs Jackie Holmes FGB Chairman |
Foundation PCC |
25.09.21/ 24.09.25 |
Educational Standards |
7/7 |
None |
None |
No |
Mr Paul Heugh |
Foundation PCC |
16.06.22/ 15.06.26 |
Admissions Academisation |
2/7 |
None |
None |
No |
Associate Members
There are currently no Associate Members on the Grayswood Governing Body.
In attendance
Name and role |
Appointing body |
Start/end date |
Responsibility |
FGB committee |
Attendance 2023-24 |
Relevant interests |
Relationship with staff or FGB member |
Governor at another school |
Ms Rachel Dunnage |
Clerk |
01.09.15/ NA |
7/7 |
Employee Clerk for GLP & other local schools |
None |
No |
Vacancy |
School Business Manager |
NA |
NA |
Employee |
None |
No |
In the past 12 months
Name and role |
Appointing body |
Start/end date |
Responsibility |
FGB committee |
Attendance 2022-23 |
Relevant interests |
Relationship with staff or FGB member |
Governor at another school |
Mr Richard Rowe |
Foundation Diocese |
15.11.21/ 01.10.23 |
Safeguarding, incl CLA Pupil Premium & More Able |
4/8 |
Education Consultant |
None |
St John's Churt |
Mr Barry Firth Vice-Chairman |
Parent |
16.03.20/ 20.09.23 |
Finance Honorary Treasurer |
Pay |
6/8 |
None |
None |
No |
NA = Not applicable CLA = Children Looked After EYFS = Early Years Foundation Stage
SEND = Special Educational Needs & Disabilities