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GrayswoodChurch of England
Primary School

Health and Medicines

Governors and staff at Grayswood CE Primary believe that inclusion and equal opportunities for pupils with medical needs are an entitlement and that we have the responsibility to create conditions for each one of our pupils to access their education. We will give due regard to the required curriculum adjustments, the necessary environmental aspects and the desirable social support needed to minimise barriers for these most vulnerable in our school community. The school will assist parents and health professionals to administer medicines when necessary and reasonably practical. Where there is concern about where the school can meet the pupil’s needs, or the expectation of parents is unreasonable, further advice will be sought from medical professionals. We intend to foster a school community, which accepts others as they are and values the diversity of life. More information can be found in our Supporting Children with Medical Conditions policy on the Policies and Documents page of this website.

  • Usually if a child is taking medication they are not well enough to be in school. However, if a child is well enough to attend school but needs medication, staff may agree to administer medicine in accordance with our school policy. For example administering a ‘4 dose’ antibiotic. The medicine must be clearly named with dosage and timing and a written request form completed at the school office. ‘3 dose’ antibiotics should be administered by parents outside school hours.
  • The use of inhalers for asthmatic children will be agreed between school and parents.
  • Please ensure all details contained on your child’s medical form are accurate and up to date.

In the case of sickness or diarrhoea, children should not attend school for 48 hours.

Please contact our school office immediately if there are any changes regarding your child or children's medical requirements.